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Environmental Policy

PEFC & FSC® Certified

All of the timber for our products is sourced from sustainable forests managed by either PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forestry Certification) or FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council). This ensures the forests are managed to meet rigorous social and environmental standards.


Chain of Custody (CoC)

PEFC and FSC® Chain of Custody (CoC) provide independently verified assurance that the certified forest-based material contained in a product originates from sustainably managed forests. It complements sustainable forest management certification, which ensures that forests are managed in line with challenging environmental, social and economic requirements.



1.0 Environmental Policy Mission Statement.

At Grange Fencing we recognise that we have a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are thus very committed to reducing our environmental impact and endeavour to continually improve our environmental performance as part of our business strategy. We work closely with our supply chain to ensure that our suppliers and other key stakeholders share our views and will collaborate with us to reduce our impact on the environment. We wish to limit our impact on the environment as much as possible, whilst still providing high quality and cost effective products to our customers.

2.0 Responsibility.

The Procurement Department at Grange Fencing will be responsible for ensuring that this environmental policy is implemented and updated on a regular basis. All of our employees, though, will have a responsibility to ensure that the aims and objectives of this policy are met, both by taking care of aspects of the policy under their control and by identifying new areas of opportunity.

3.0 Policy Aims.

This policy sets out to ensure that we always:

  • Not only comply to, but exceed where possible, all the current environmental regulatory requirements.
  • Monitor our environmental performance with relevant KPIs, set targets and then strive to continually improve against them.
  • Reduce environmental impacts, both within Grange Fencing and by working with our supply chain.
  • Make sure that environmental factors are considered in all business and sourcing decisions.
  • Increase employee awareness of our commitment to the environment via training programs.

4.0 Policy Breakdown.

The below is in no way an exhaustive list, but does highlight some of the activities that Grange Fencing will continue to undertake to reduce our impact on the environment.

Office Activities – Applies to all office spaces.

  • We will evaluate the environmental impact of any new products we intend to purchase.
  • We will favour more environmentally friendly and efficient products wherever possible – perhaps products that use more environmentally friendly and recyclable materials in their construction, or are more energy efficient than competitor products.
  • Where possible we will use paperless systems and processes to reduce our paper consumption in the office, only printing paper when necessary or legally required.
  • We will buy and use recyclable paper products where possible.
  • Paper and cardboard waste will be segregated from general waste and sent to be recycled.
  • We will use as little energy in the office as possible, by using low energy consumption light fittings, energy efficient hand-driers and where possible lighting shall be fitted with occupancy sensors so that they automatically switch off when not in use.
  • Lights and electrical equipment will be switched off when not in use.
  • Heating levels shall be adjusted with energy consumption in mind and when applicable windows will be used to regulate heat rather than powered sources.
  • The energy consumption and efficiency of new products and plant will be taken into account when purchasing them.
  • All water fixings in the bathrooms at the offices will be low-flow and other water saving systems will be installed.


  • We will reduce the need to travel, restricting travel requirements to necessary trips only.
  • If alternative methods of communication are available such as conference calls, or video messaging or calling can be used instead of face to face, we would give priority to using the alternative methods first.
  • We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the needs of those using public transport to commute.
  • Vehicles in the car pool/fleet will be a hybrid engine type or as fuel efficient and as low emission as practical.


  • Where logistics are completed using our in-house fleet, we will make sure to use commercial vehicles that operate to the latest EU targets for emissions output or better.
  • We will work with external logistics providers that adhere to the latest targets and standards for carbon emissions.
  • All transport routes will be optimised and route-planned in advance to make sure that there is no unnecessary travel.
  • Vehicles will be regularly maintained under a preventative maintenance scheme, so that they are operating as efficiently as possible.

Waste Management and Packaging.

  • Pallet waste will be re-used where possible. If not re-usable in its current state, we will repair pallets so that they can be recirculated.
  • Plastic, cardboard and wood waste will be segregated so that it can be recycled.
  • We will send all timber waste to be processed into renewable energy sources such as biomass.
  • We will minimise the use of packaging materials – especially plastic, whilst still ensuring our products are adequately protected from damage.
  • Packaging materials used will be made of recyclable materials where possible.

Supply Chain

  • When selecting suppliers, we will consider their environmental credentials, to confirm that their environmental policies align with ours.
  • We will work with external agencies primarily concerned with protecting the environment, such as the FSC, to validate our supply chains and support us in maintaining a sustainable source for raw materials.
  • Timber products will only be sourced from FSC certified suppliers and will be delivered with full chain of custody and traceability back to source.
  • Deliveries from suppliers will be optimised so that as little transportation as possible is required.

Monitoring and Continual Improvement

  • We will comply with environmental regulatory requirements and strive to improve on them.
  • We will continually improve our environmental performance by founding new initiatives and regular monitoring.
  • We will incorporate environmental factors into business decisions at every level of the organisation.
  • We will increase employee awareness through training.
  • We will review this policy and any related business issues regularly.

5.0 Contact and Further Information

This statement has been approved by the board of directors of Grange Fencing Limited. The document is owned and maintained by the Procurement Department, who will review it and update it annually.

Any requests for further information can be completed by contacting us here:

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